
PC Gamer Digital Episode 1-7

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PC Gamer Digital

PC Gamer

This wonderful magazine appeared on November 30, 1993.
Back in those early days, people created games because they loved games!
We all played games. because we loved games!
And the guys from PC Gamer keep this love alive through the 10th anniversary on the pages of their magazine!

In many countries, versions of this magazine were published in their national language, and each such version had a special note of taste of the national culture of love for video games!
Of course, now there are fewer options in the world of publications of this magazine, and we can go to the website https://www.pcgamer.com/ , where an electronic version of the magazine is already waiting for us by online subscription!

Remember that when the fire of love for games lights up in your heart, it is a selfless, pure feeling!

And PC Gamer helps us keep that flame of passion alive forever!

PC Gamer Digital

In January 2012, we saw an unusual version of our favorite PC Gamer magazine.
This was a program through which we received an interactive look and feel for the articles and content we were used to. It should be noted that this experiment was ahead of its time, and back in 2012, not everyone understood the scale of the idea for a new stage in the evolution of electronic journals!

A total of 7 episodes were released from 2012 to November 27, 2014, with episode number 0 being completely free, and the rest offered to be purchased as separate add-ons for your PC Gamer Digital.

But on October 11, 2016, a dark day came when the opportunity to buy any episode and the page of PC Gamer Digital itself disappeared from the Steam store.

Now it is difficult to say what were the main reasons for the collapse of such an ambitious idea with this experiment.

> But my personal opinion! <
I think it took a lot of time to create such unique content.
Another factor was the inability of mobile and other devices in 2012 to embody all the ideas of both AR and VR, and other technologies of our everyday life which we use now.
Another important factor was the small circle of employees and other people who worked on the creation of PC Gamer Digital and the content for it.

Thoughts about the future

Now we understand that if we create PC Gamer Digital inside Steam and give the opportunity to active users (who occupy the top popularity in Steam Game Communities) to create content from these games and publish through such a filter of the views of PC Gamer employees, then we, in fact, will get an analogue Steam community, only with more authoritarian and deep moderation, which will ultimately provide the best material for PC Gamer Digital readers!
If we add to this the fact that this content is free, but with the possibility of donations and interest deductions in PC Gamer and Steam, then, in fact, we get an ideal system for Community for the production of all high-quality content around games!
Where everyone loves video games and does what they love to do every day! and get the opportunity to receive their earnings for their professional work, which they give back to our Community of gamers!
But in order to implement all this, you need a whole software package with monarchical policies! (as it is within the “ecosystem apple products”).

How to get PC Gamer Digital episode 0?

steam://install/92500 (just open it as a link in your browser or CMD on your computer) and this game will appear in your Steam collection!

Since you downloaded PC Gamer, you can already access Episode 0!

Life of a license.

I want to emphasize once again that this guide was created to preserve the legacy of PC Gamer Digital for true fans of this wonderful magazine.
When you add an ID App to your Steam account (free or paid), you receive a license inside Steam, which is linked to your account. Thus, you can get a license for PC Gamer Digital Episode 0, but you cannot get licenses for Episode 1-7, since Episode 1-7 licenses cost money and were sold in the store.
The file structure in the folders with episodes (which you can download from the links below) is very simple. And, having received these files, you can use them at your own discretion and get a unique heritage of PC Gamer Digital!

How to get PC Gamer Digital episode 1-7? 

Then you will need to download all the other episodes, which are in the Cloud where I put them.
Since you’ve downloaded them, simply extract them to the folder where your PC Gamer Digital Edition is located!
This way you will get them all!

PC Gamer Digital Episode 1-7

PC Gamer Digital Episode 1

PC Gamer Digital Episode 1-7

ID App 92502

PC Gamer Digital Episode 2

PC Gamer Digital Episode 1-7

ID App 92503

PC Gamer Digital Episode 3

PC Gamer Digital Episode 1-7

ID App 92504

PC Gamer Digital Episode 4

PC Gamer Digital Episode 1-7

ID App 92505

PC Gamer Digital Episode 5

PC Gamer Digital Episode 1-7

ID App 92506

PC Gamer Digital Episode 6

PC Gamer Digital Episode 1-7

ID App 92507

PC Gamer Digital Episode 7

PC Gamer Digital Episode 1-7

ID App 92508


Please remember that all rights to all PC Gamer Digital content belong to PC Gamer magazine (https://www.pcgamer.com/ ). All rights reserved.
PC Gamer is a part of Future US Inc. (an international media group and leading digital publisher)
Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036

This guide was created by FoxLeks (FoxLeks LLC).
All rights to the guide and links belong to FoxLeks (FoxLeks LLC). All rights reserved. When publishing to other resources or quoting, necessary to indicate the author.



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