This game was created as a test for your PC and Polygon for testing new technologies of that time in 2005!
There was a time when we had already passed Half-Life 2, but we were waiting for something new and believed in it! Of course, there was no HL2E1 and HL2E2 and much more!
So open your eyes, Mr. Freeman, and see this wonderful little island of your life story!
From the first seconds we recognize the thin hand of brilliant authors and developers from Valve! Here you can play with light, physics, and, of course, any puzzles and artificial intelligence technologies in the NPC!
All this literally fills this little gameplay with the spirit that excites our blood!
This game takes 30 minutes of your time, but it stays in your heart for years to come!
10/10 Dr. Freeman’s moments for our eyes and forever in our Hearts!